I must stress that anyone who has been disturbed by low flying aircraft should report the incident to Luton airport. Only in this way is a complaint about aircraft noise registered officially by the airport operating authority. Incidentally, contrary to what many people may think, there is no restriction on night flying to or from Luton Airport. There are enhanced noise restrictions during the night time; the operators of aircraft infringing these restrictions are penalised. These restrictions came into effect from 1st April 2015.
How to complain: three ways to do this;
1 By phone (24/7 basis ) 01582 395382. Callers will be asked to give their name, address, phone number & details of the incident. This is a recorded message system. I can vouch that it works.
3 By Google. Type "noise luton airport" Then you will be directed to an area of the airport website www.london-luton.co.uk that features an official complaint form for you to complete. You are given 5 types of complaint to identify:
Noise Low flying Off track General Other
Complete the form, asking for a reply if you wish, then submit.
Background: The Leighton Buzzard Society are indirectly represented on the London Luton Airport Consultative Committee (LLACC) through our membership of PAIN, (People Against Intrusive Noise) a long established Aylesbury Vale based group who are officially recognised by the Department of Transport as a consultee body to London Luton Airport. I represent the Society on the PAIN committee & have done so for just over a year. The majority of the PAIN committee are well versed in aviation noise & aircraft tracking matters & we also have the benefit of a private flyer in our ranks. I don't profess to be that knowledgeable in aviation matters but I am alongside others who certainly are.
PAIN is also a member of the LLACC's key sub committee for Noise & Tracking matters (NTSC). Both the LLACC & NTSC meet quarterly. For these committees the airport operator produces detailed statistics which include a summary of noise complaints. These are available in the public domain through
www.london-lutoninthecommunity.co.uk. They can be found at the tab entitled Airfield
Environmental Reports. These comprehensive reports include noise statistics. The website for the LLACC www.llacc.com gives all the minutes & attendees of current & past meetings of the main committee & sub committees. These meetings are open to the public. Central Bedfordshire Council are also represented on this Noise & Tracking subcommittee as well as the main LLACC. Representation from Central Bedfordshire Council comprises a elected councillor & an officer. Officers & representatives from the airport & airlines are there as non voting members . This pattern of representation is replicated for Aylesbury Vale District, Buckinghamshire County, Dacorum Borough, Hertfordshire County, Luton Borough, North Hertfordshire District, St. Albans City & District, & Stevenage Borough. There are other bodies representing town & parish councils, representatives of these being voting members: Bedfordshire Association of Town & Parish Councils, Buckinghamshire Association of Local Councils & Hertfordshire Association of Town & Parish Councils. All UK airports have to have consultative committees & these function along guidelines issued by the Department of Transport.
I must stress again that the airport must be contacted to report an incident otherwise there can be no investigation.
Please study the various minutes on the Consultative Committee website www.llacc.com & you will see that noise complaints are taken seriously. If you are not satisfied with the response from the airport after reporting an incident you can take the matter further by contacting Central Bedfordshire Council or myself. I will take the matter to PAIN.