We are a Society of people who live or work in Leighton-Linslade and surrounding area , who care about the town, take an active interest in it and wish to improve the town's environment.
We have recently celebrated 58 years of protecting our town.
Keep an eye of threats to our Greenbelt using this interactive map, as a Society we are members of the London Greenbelt Council londongreenbeltcouncil.org.uk/threats_map/
We hold regular meetings on topics of local interest which are open to the public. We arrange visits to local sites of interest, and we distribute a newsletter 3 times a year to our members by email.
We use email, TikTok, X and Facebook to alert members of current issues.
The Society's committee consider the implication on the town of Central Bedfordshire Council, Local Plans, mass housing proposals, the impact on the Green Belt, and transport issues be it the railway, highways, new developments, or new landing/departure routes for London Luton Airport.
Our Committee
Sue James - Chair John Sharp - Deputy Chairman, Transport Officer Mike Shephard - Membership Secretary Ken Barry - Treasurer Gennaro Borrelli -Planning Clive Palmer - Committee member